Wednesday 18 October 2017

Our First Set Of New Rhyming Heartbreak Poems (5)

This category is about the rhyming heartbroken poems i have written so far.  

Heartbreak happens every time and its a traumatizing experience that can lead to a lot of complications, that if not taking care of immediately could have drastic consequences. 

People have different ways of handling such situations like music, alcohol, friends, but mine is through writing these poems.

There is a mystery I seek to solve,
And it's "why people still fall in love?"
Even when the bad is obviously more than good,
I still hear my friends every time saying "Yes I do".

To me, love is like a cigarette
it just gets you addicted to a person
But at the long run, it leaves you full of regret
Because with time, the attraction will definitely lessen.

The reason why this issue is making me vex
is 'cause, like smokers, they know the danger already
Yet will not listen until they turn from lover to "Ex"
Then they will come to me and be crying like a baby.
(Written By Paramind)

Next is a poem i wrote after my friend got dumped by her girlfriend. I asked her why she broke up with him and she said he doesn't behave mature and he wants a guy that is manly. She said my friend does nothing else other than sing her i love you all day. She said she's tired of that and wants a guy that isn't soft. That's what moved me to write this poem.

What is wrong when love is all you feel?
What is love when you can't love at will?
How does expressing love make me weak?
Why is it that my love makes you sick?
Tell me what it is that I've done wrong?
Guess my love for you is just too strong?

A lot of persons have all to offer but love.
This time I've got love but its not enough.
You want all; romance, cash, looks, affection...
Deep down what you really seek is perfection
And the only one perfect lives up there above,
So what I've got is what I can give and it's love.
(Written By Paramind)

You know those times you tired with a relationship yet you just don't know how to quit because of the promises you've made to your partner and you feel guilty and scared you may hurt his/her feelings? that's why i wrote this poem. I feel divorce is very necessary in today's world because somethings can't be fixed and your should suffer just because you made a vow.

In this 21st century,
Divorce is necessary.
When love is in short supply;
When love begins to die;
When love is completely gone,
And nothing else can be done;
When you realize he's not the one,
And everything has being a mistake,
When you desperately need a break;
What will it take?
Just file for a divorce,
Instead of trying to force,
A love turned curse,
Just because
You vowed "for better or worse".
(Written By Paramind)

Next poem is a poem I wrote when my girlfriend left me for another guy. She actually was cheating on me with the guy before I found out and we broke up. I was very pissed the whole month then I had to write to write this just to feel better. I even swore to kill the guy she cheated on me with but I didn’t later do it.

My heart has been hurt and bleeding.
By an arrow of lonliness, it’s been pierced.
My eyes has been raining down tears
And in its mighty flood, am drowning.

I’ve tried being consoled by love songs
But it tears my heart more as I sing along.
True I still got your pictures on my phone
But it’s you I want, not even your own clone.

You burn my heart when you left me for another
But I will kill him I swear and wait for you in hell.
Even though I know hell’s gonna be hotter,
It’s a second chance to sing the wedding bell.
(Written By Paramind)

Next poem I wrote for ladies who must have been heartbroken by their partners and they came back again to ask for forgiveness or for one more chance. For me I only believe in one chance. If you mess up and sincerely apologies, promising you won’t do it again, I can forgive but if you repeat the mistake a second time, I can never forgive you again.

I remember when I had you on a platter,
Your hand was there for me to hold.
Never knew the worth of your smile and laughter,
“You’re lucky” I never believed when I was told.
They say you love her when you let her go,
Now I no how much I love u, but you not close.
Like you, I try to forget and focus on my future,
But I can’t cause all I see is your picture.
Not just my heart but my lungs feel your absence,
Cause the air I breathe around you was different.
Even in your absence, I still feel your presence,
That I begin to wonder if you are omnipresent.
I know I caused U sadness, heartbreak and pain,
But please forgive and lets just start over again.
Yes I may not have changed over night,
But I have realized how much U mean to me,
And now am very determined to do this right.
Just one more chance baby Is all I need.
(Written By Paramind)

These are the first five heartbroken poems.  See ALL HEARTBROKEN POEMS in this blog. 

Meanwhile, tell us what you think about this five... which did you enjoy reading most???


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