Wednesday 6 December 2017

First Sets Of Rhyming Motivational Poems (5 Poems)

This is the second post on the category "motivational poem".
 The first is 'Naked Zeal' by MC Shapiro. Then 'Good Days Are Near' by MC Shapiro, 'Through it All' by MC Shapiro too. The Rise By Maveriqué_Richard.  . Lets Check them out... lastly 'Its All about You' by  Prageet Goel.


Broken beads of dreams...
sadness so supreme.
Banging sound of emptiness.
My senses seem so stressed.

Dreams with wounded wings...
sorrow streaks in strings.
A situation so pathetic.
My emotions are getting sick.

Weak dreams like shadows.
Futility fervently glows.
Gradually, they disappear...
the laceration of failure's spear.

Thirsty dreams...
dry season and her streams.
The sinister song of frustration.
The castigation of condemnation.

Still, I forge ahead;
zeal obviously naked.
Motivation on my mind...
no stones will be left behind.


Gathered clouds.
They talk aloud.

Periodic noise;
it's the rain's voice.

In a little while
rain will fall in piles.

Willing waters.
Flooded gutters.

Arrival of the rain ;
starvation is slain.

The death of doom.
The beauty of boom.

Washed away tears.
Assassinated fears.

A season of plenty;
a period really lengthy.

Return of respite;
she's on an invite.

Tirelessly good days
have finally come our ways.


Through thick and thin,
we will willingly win.
Success beyond comprehension.
Sweetness remains the sensation.
Through struggles and strains...
our pains will soon ply the drains.
Succour like a soothing balm;
the coming of candid calm.
Through troubles and thrills,
we will soon conquer the hills.
The sky is not a limit...
we will imbibe a soaring spirit.
Like a champion, we're dressed.
Virtually, we can't be suppressed.
We'll strive through the storm...
achievements will keep us warm.
Tirelessly, we'll pursue the top.
Nothing can make us stop.
A distinction is due...
negativity cannot subdue.


I know someday I would rise;
Earlier than the cock would crow,
For with the deafening of each dawn;
Are saddled cascades of daily woes.

I know someday I would rise;
Without the thoughts of where I'd been;
For with every seepage from the precipitous clouds;
Are showers of eternal hope.

I know someday I would rise;
Above the bounds of sublunary might,
And the unrestrained stains of guilt,
Which incessantly behoves my whole.

I know someday I would rise;
Eased of all obliviousness;
So I'd perceive the pitched voice of the dumb,
Buried sparsely within my mouth;
That I may by the waddling of the tongue,
Spout wisdom from the abysmal depths,
Of my very bewildered soul.

I know someday I would rise;
To the birth of a heavenly bliss,
Freed dearly from a constrained will;
Relieved of all ignorances;
And with the sturdiness of ethereal bravery;
Would my heart dauntlessly wriggle it's way;
Far beyond the shackles of earthliness;
Further away from her dampening fist.
By #Maveriqué_Richard.


IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU You can build your tomorrow, But you cannot tear down your past. You can learn from your mistakes, But you cannot erase the last. You may be hurt by the swords and stakes, But you can bear them as battle scars. You may be in the deepest part of the ocean, But you have to reach the stars. You may not be accepted by some, But you are unique and cannot be replaced. You might be surrounded by murk from all sides, But just look within for the light that has been encased. You might get tired of trying and want to quit, But trying harder will only take you away from failure. You sometimes feel that you aren't brave enough, But in the end you are your very own saviour. -Prageet Goel (IG -

What do you think about this new poems or the blog in general? Tell us in the comment section. Check out ALL MOTIVATIONAL POEMS in this blog.

1 comment: said...

Your poem affected life?! Yes, you can share your lovely poem and its great "after story" with the world... Submit now on
