Saturday 6 January 2018

Our Third Collection Of Rhyming Poems About Life (5 Poems)

Next poem is a rhyming poem about Time, titled "Time". I decided to add it to the category Life because time and life are different sides of the same coin. Time is a measure of life. Hence the time a being is brought into existence or when it departs is measured in dates. Dates are intervening moments in the 'ticks and tocks' of life's melodious harmony. Things we do in life are planned on the basis of dates. Dates in fact, is a concertized time.

More valuable than gold;
can't be bought or sold.
Painless killer of man;
Healer of all wounds,
We're nothing but your fan;
In our mind you rule.
You idly wait for no man;
Always on the move.
Round and round you go
Yet at a point you stuck,
Tick tock!, tick tock!
Footsteps so bold,
You're slower than a train,
And faster than a plane,
All depending on perception;
Biggest of all illusions.
(Written By Paramind)

I decided to add this poem titled WOMEN to this category "Life" because women play a very important role in the life of everyone including women too. Because the woman in quote used to be a little child and it's her mum, a woman, that took care of her from birth. There are still families without a mum and the father takes care of the kids but the kids at first was given birth to by a woman. Me personally think Women should be feared and that's what this poem is about.

A gender camouflaged in complexity,
With a strategic amount of gentility.
One out of the innegligible commodities
On almost all bachelor's top priorities.
The weaker vessel; soft and delicate,
Yet the strong, it can easily manipulate.
To the eyes, she's delicious n' salacious.
To the heart, she's perilous n' dangerous.
Just like you were visited by nemesis,
Your life shime e can completely cripple.
At the same time, just like a miracle,
She can bring you an everlasting Bliss.
Destroyer and downfall of great men,
Yet her tactics you can never learn.
Just watch out 4 eyes down to the thighs.
That's where her weapon and power lies.
A fact already known, yet when she attack,
You'd still willingly fall on your back.
(Written By Paramind)

The next poem is very recent and i wrote it when i was feeling very happy and at ease. But i know such a feeling of fulfillment don't last for a very long which i don't expect of want because for you to grow, you must leave your comfort zone. I don't know what the future will bring, love or heartbreak, joy, pain, gain or rain, but now it's bright. I therefore wrote this poem as a reminder to remind myself when things get bad that its just life's design and eventually everything will become fine. 

Everyday isn't holiday,
Happiness has come
But not forever to stay
For again there'll be storm,
Difficulty, troubles, pain,
And happiness once again.
That's just life's design.
"At the very end
Its all gonna be fine.
If its not fine,
Then its simply not the end"
and there's still time.
(Written By Paramind)

These are the five more poems about life. For more rhyming poems about LIFE in this blog, click ALL POEMS ABOUT LIFE. Meanwhile, comment what you think about these collection. Which did you enjoy reading most?


1 comment:

Welisa D’costa said...

Hi............ur poems are fabulous......i also write poems..........if i send u my poem will i get any profit?
