Friday 5 January 2018


Welcome to the home of rhymes,
all at your finger tips without paying a dime...
With rhyming poems from lots of category,
Sad, Miss You, Life, Crush, HBD, Sorry,
now you can perfectly tell your story.
You don't need to be in a haste,
for we've got all it takes to suit your taste,

This blog like is already said in the poem above aims building a very large collection of new rhyming poems for you poems lovers out there for no cost. 

It majorly comprise of all the poems i have written so far and some very few submitted by friends and relations. All new and exciting!

I may be feeling happy or sad,
or I maybe missing the love i once had.
Sometimes I'd wanna thank my Mum/Dad,
Apologize to those that I've done bad,
write to a crush that secretly makes me glad,
write someone special a birthday card,
or calm my nerves when am mad.
These are the times i rhyme.
I don't wait for my leisure time
or add it to my timetable.
 I just rhyme to keep my mind stable. 

Sometimes you may be feeling happy or depressed and you need somewhere to channel these energies else it will influence you to do something you will regret later. 

For me i just channel the energy into writing and the result are these fine rhymes. Yeah you may say they are not really poems because they don't have much poetic diction, so i just call them rhymes.

Poetry even though its being under rated these days is still very important in life because poetry unlike other arts and slightly close to music is the mirror of our mind and in it our current emotions and feelings reflect.

Am more than happy to bring these rhyming poems to you. So relax and select a category you wanna see and make sure you have fun!


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