Thursday 19 October 2017

First Set of Rhyming Appreciation Poems (5 Poems)

I decided to add this appreciation poem category because we are all humans and we ain't perfect. We always have people around us that are always there for us and they have helped us through difficult times we couldn't just do things on your own. It maybe friends, lovers, family, a spiritual being etc. The first poem is thanking God for my Life.

Lord I wanna thank you for my life,
And the dangers you helped me survive.
So many persons are in the grave,
But am still rocking the life you gave.
You always guide me through the day,
And make sure I return home okay.
You keep watch over me at night,
And while I sleep, your angels fight.
You protect me against viral diseases,
Also against enemies and witches,
Against the activities of terrorists,
And against gunmen on the street.
Even when I act like you not there and err,
U still forgive and our relationship you repair.
Thank you so much for your love and care,
and for being there in my times of fear.
(Written By Paramind)

The next poem is a poem dedicated to my friend. The truth is you may have a thousand friends but real true friends are rare to find. But i was lucky to have met this girl who within a week became my best companion. The friendship was nothing sexual at all, she was way older than me, she bought me stuffs, we joked around and did assignments together. So i decided to write her this poem appreciating her friendship.

Strangely, our story is without history.
I still wonder how we became friends.
To me, it’s all but a mystery.
I pray this friendship never ends.
That’s why whenever you are near
I have just one fear
Which is annoying you
Cause your dislikes, i have no clue
I wouldn’t wish to know
Neither do I ask for more
I know I’ll still be tempted
But for now am contented
With what I already have...
(Written By Paramind)

The next poem is a poem i got inspired to write while i was in a bus and a woman beside me was playing a praise and worship song. I actually can't remember the song she was playing but while i was listening to the song, i thought of all the times i have doubted God's existence, yet whenever i really need help, he's still the only one i see myself running to. That moment i felt the singer wasn't giving God enough praises in the song so i brought out my phone and started typing my own lyrics...

A being surrounded with mystery;
and adorned in overwhelming glory.
A phenomenon devoid of any theory.
Your beginning precedes history,
and your ending is until infinity.
Three persons in one holy entity.
With words you created the cosmos;
a clear reflection of your perfection.
Of all your perfect celestial creations,
the imperfect man you love the most,
yet of your existence some still debate,
which for them is quite unfortunate.
For me, your existence is 100% evident
and for your unmerited love am grateful.
Your laws i'll obey without argument,
for in your hands am just a mere tool.
(Written By Paramind) 

Next is poem i wrote dedicated to my Dad. We all know daddies are so strong and almost never cry even when things are totally falling apart. My dad is not an exception, looking at his strength in times of difficulty give courage. And come to think, all he does is making sure i don't lack the basic in life and also to have a better future, so i felt the need to appreciate him for all the fatherly supports he has being giving me, financially, morally, etc.

Am so glad to have him as my dad
 'cause even when i'm not a good lad,
 yet for me he's so strong,
 for me he stays up all night long,
 for me he can borrow and owe,
for me he is willing to pick up a hoe,
 for me he is always on the go,
and his pleasures he's willing to forgo. 
For me, my dad doesn't rest 
just to give me the best.
 When i mess up, he doesn't spare his wrath
or his cane,
 to get me back up again 
on the right path.
 Dad, even though you hustle on the low 
and don't let the struggle show, 
trust me i know 
and i have vowed
 i will one day make u proud.
I love you Dad even till tomorrow,
 You my hero!
(Written By Paramind)

Next is a poem i wrote for my girlfriend when i noticed how depressed she was a certain time. She hated the things she loved to do, hardly laughed at a joke, it was difficult for her to sleep or even finish her favorite meal. I tried to get her to tell me what the problem was, but she refused. But after i told her in the poem how i appreciate everything she has done and am willing to help her too, she told me what the problem was. 

Baby I took some time to think about you
Not because my heart beats for you
But because you are human too
And hard time you also maybe passing through
I want you to know whatever burden you bear
you don't have to bear it alone 'cause am here
You spoke for me when I couldn't speak
You stayed strong for me when I was weak
You gave me courage when i was scared
You cared for me when no one else cared
You stood by me when I felt rejection and shame
Now it's my turn to do exactly the same
Though i may not get you an umbrella for the rain,
I’ll get wet and together we'll feel the pain.
so feel free and tell me baby whats wrong?
(Written By Paramind) 

There you go, the first five rhyming appreciation poems. Do you want more Appreciation poems? Check out ALL APPRECIATION POEMS in this blog. Feel free to comment what you think about these poems...anything at all. 

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