Thursday 19 October 2017

First Collection Of Rhyming Poems About Life (5 Poems)

This page is about the rhyming poems about life i have written so far. It would be difficult to see a poet who has never written anything about life same as love, because it's something very important and everything we do from time to time all aims at making our life a better place. But sometimes we get so carried away about making our life a better place that we don't get to live at all. That's what the next poem is about.

You should enjoy life while it last,
and try to forget about the past.
Always keep your mind and though pure
and worry much lesser about the future

Live and be present in the present 
For life is what's happening this very moment.
All a bird does is to build its nest
and leave to God Almighty the rest

For life doesn't require we be best
but just that we try our sincere best.
(Written By Paramind)

Talking about enjoying life, sometimes in life, things don't go the way we expect. i wrote the next poem when i was facing difficulties in my academics. i study just like everyone but at the end of the day when the results come out, it wouldn't be what i expected at all. Everyone is ahead of me, even people am sure i study more than. And then i start hearing voices in my head to cheat! cheat!! cheat!!! but no, i don't rather i just put in extra effort and also pray to God. 

Sometimes in life, when U look around U,
it seems everyone is becoming successful,
but you are still in the same place glued,
and you have no clue on what next to do.
For the devil, that moment is an avenue,
to come into Ur thoughts and mislead you,
into doing something crazy or using Juju.

But don't forget God still loves you,
and hasn't forgotten nor forsaken you.,
He hasn't brought U all this fair to leave you.
Don't let what you are facing discourage you,
because God has got bigger plans for you.
Just continue being faithful and true,
For it's only him can see you through.
(Written By Paramind) 

The next poem is a poem i wrote when i think of all the horrible things happening in the world. Especially to people that don't really deserve them. That's when i realized that Life isn't just fair. This time around, it's not about you trying or not trying, it's just beyond your powers as human. It makes me ask if some people were really destined to come into life and suffer while others come to enjoy life.

How can life be so unfair?
To some it shows much love and care,
and to some, it leaves in pain and tears.
Imagine a baby is born into a life of happiness,
same life, another baby is born with sickness.
A single person becomes a millionaire,
while millions have nothing to wear.
They are so many bad men out there,
Yet the life of the innocent you impair.
Well i know it's not nice to compare,
but from the injustice i see everywhere,
it's hard to deny, Life isn't just fair.
(Written By Paramind)

Next poem is still about life but it's like an encouragement. Even though life is unfair and can be sad sometimes, we should always keep our head up and hands clean. We should abstain from anything illegal even though we maybe starving. Eventually it doesn't last forever. One day things will be fine again. 


Sometimes Life's crazy,
Sometimes Life's scary,
Sometimes Life's bad,
Sometimes Life's sad.
Sometimes Life's weird,
But you're better compared
To those in the grave.
Even though you starve,
Don't steal or misbehave.
Just be strong and brave,
Appreciate what you have.
Soon there'll be a new wave.
(Written By Paramind)

Next poem is as far as i remember the first poem i documented somewhere. It's a poem about life. Life is all about perspective and our perspective depends on the stage or position we are in. I like this poem because it's a poem most persons can relate with. I don't know what stage you are now in life but For me, right now, life's so funny because  a lot of things have changed so fast and so many things i thought i understood, i don't understand anymore.

For babies, Life is as sweet as HONEY,
For Teenagers, Life is just FUNNY,
For the Youth, life is difficult without MONEY,
For the Old, life is as ugly as a MONKEY,
And for the dead, Life... Life is just a JORNEY.
(By Paramind)

These are the first five rhyming poems about Life. Tell us what you think about this poems or the blog in general... anything at all. Meanwhile, If you want more poems about life, you can check out ALL POEMS ABOUT LIFE in this blog.

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