Monday 18 December 2017

Our First Collection Of Rhyming Poems Of God (4 Poems)

This is the second set of rhyming poems in this category. The first is 'Upon This Mountain' by MC Shapiro.  Then 'God' written by me, and 'Gods Providence' by S.A Ahmed.  Lets Check them out...


A usual scene in an unusual way,
Caught my attention near a bay.
A prawn jumped out of the water in glee,
A big frog gobble it up in spree
Hardly could the frog digest the fish,
A snake caught it and began to finish,
The poor creature in snake's hook,
In pain and agony began to croak.
The wail of the frog pierced my heart,
So I left , and opened the TV for some flirt,
On the screen I saw a stout deer
Running for its life out of fear,
Suddenly a tiger caught it in its jaws,
And tore it into several pieces .
The scenes put me in awkward thought,
My heart wept for the deer and the frog.
But what about the snake and the tiger ?
Should they not eat and die in hunger ?
I think it's God in heaven decides
Who will die and who will reside.


Harrio4life said...

Awesome! I love your style of writing. Wonderful collection.

Echezona said...

Thanks for the encouraging comment. We are dedicated to giving the best.
