Monday 18 December 2017

My Second Collection Of Rhyming Poems For Crush (5 Poems)

Next poem is a poem is a poem i wrote when i was almost running mad because of a crush. This feeling was very different, because i wasn't comfortable whenever she's around, her presence made me sick, gave me headache, i didn't want any commitment, but i still loved her. It was crazy because she noticed this from the way i always avoided her presence.

Am so confused right now
'cause all the emotions i know,
what am feeling i can't explain
and it's slowly driving me insane.

What kinda feeling 
makes you feelel like a king,
at the same time have you kneeling,
just like some weakling?

What kinda feeling 
makes you strong and fearless,
yet just a mere mistress,
becomes your weakness?

What kinda feeling
gives you so much excitement
yet wants no engagement
or any kinda commitment?
(Written By Paramind) 

Next poem is actually funny because its just an imagination of what i would like to do. I was just imagining if i could just walk up to my crush and ask her to be my girlfriend the way i just did in this poem, i would be very nice. Now i can do it only if i wanted to but then i couldn't. I like this poem because its all ended in the same rhyme sound.

Baby tell these other guys goodbye,
Come to me 'cause am the good guy.
They only end up making you cry,
but your tears i have come to dry.
Your life i promise am gonna beqautify
cause all your desires i will satisfy.
Baby please you know time is flying by
and this chance may never again pass by,
So tell me here and now, what's your reply?
(Written By Paramind) 

Next poem is a poem i wrote explaining how much i love my crush because how pretty and sexy she is and unlike previous poems, this time around, i was wishing she one day becomes my sweetheart. And i will never ever give up on her until she becomes my girlfriend. Like you suspected, the poem is fiction because i don't wish to date my crush, i just crush on them.

I’m going so crazy cause of you
Like am high on some love potion
Or I’m under a love spell
That no one can ever  undo

Its your face I see when am angry
Its your company I want when am lonely
Its you I wanna eat when am hungry
I imagine u’d be sweeter than honey

Cause when I look at your body
Everything perfectly in place like a work of art
It makes me want you even more
But I can’t have you cause we are world apart

For now I’ll keep following my heart
Like the wise men followed the star
On this dangerous but trilling part
Till you one day become my sweetheart
(Written By Paramind) 

Next poem is also a friction poem just wrote to my crush. I just imagined a scenario where i had confessed to my crush how much i love her and can't do without her, and had asked her to be my girlfriend but she had refused to accept the proposal. I really like the ending part of the poem because its a bit of a twist. Here's the poem below.

Just these three words,
Can make anyone blush.
But it’s so absurd,
It means nothing to my crush.

I don’t even know your name,
Yet you’ve become my bane.
I’ve lost the will to fight or resist,
‘Cause you’ve become the reason I exist.

That I can’t tell or see reasons why
I love you is a proof that love is
blind. So since you don’t love me,
it’d be more clear to you that
i sincerely love you.
(Written By Paramind)

There you go! Tell us in the comment section what you think about these poems, Like which one did you enjoy most?? Meanwhile, for more poems about crushes, click ALL RHYMING POEMS ABOUT CRUSH. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You write good poems. I like them. It has amazing rhymes. Keep writing. Cultivate your talent. I also write poems. I also have a blog, name is Aria Vibes. Please visit:
I hope you will like it.
