Saturday 6 January 2018

Our Third Collection Of Rhyming Poems About Life (5 Poems)

Next poem is a rhyming poem about Time, titled "Time". I decided to add it to the category Life because time and life are different sides of the same coin. Time is a measure of life. Hence the time a being is brought into existence or when it departs is measured in dates. Dates are intervening moments in the 'ticks and tocks' of life's melodious harmony. Things we do in life are planned on the basis of dates. Dates in fact, is a concertized time.

Friday 5 January 2018


Welcome to the home of rhymes,
all at your finger tips without paying a dime...

Thursday 4 January 2018

The First Set of Rhyming Birthday Poems (1 Poem)

This category is for birthday poems. Birthday is a 'once in a year' event and means a lot to everyone, even though some may not celebrate it in a big way. Send someone one of these birthday poem and trust me, he/she will never forget such a memorable gift. 